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UZH Innovation Hub

Partnering to foster the entrepreneurial journey


The UZH Innovation Hub is partner for the newly launched program Talent Kick.  Being part of this program, fosters even more the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary co-creation approach that Maria Olivares, Head of Innovation, envisions for the University of Zurich. With Talent Kick, innovation is driven by mixed teams across Swiss universities. Young persons with various background and competences are empowered to work and think entrepreneurial. 

In this program, students will have the opportunity to form interdisciplinary cross-university co-founder teams, find a mentor, and will benefit from self-development coaching, events and networking sessions. If they reach the different milestones, they will get a strong contribution of 5’000 CHF per team to validate their idea further. Students will be accompanied until they graduate and will have access to other programs (you may mention your own different innovation initiatives for students, Venture Kick, Innosuisse,…) alongside their studies to allow them to lay stable foundation and accelerate their startup’s development. They will also have the opportunity to gain international exposure via Swissnex, our Global Program Partner.
Further information:


Innovation Hub


Weiterführende Informationen

Talent Kick

Talentkick: Start your entrepreneurial journey now!

Mehr zu Talentkick: Start your entrepreneurial journey now!