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UZH Innovation Hub

PayMate is the winner team of the UZH Innovathon

PayMate is the winner team  of the UZH Innovathon: Building a human-centered Future of Work.

The student team that impressed the jury the most developed a solution towards the challenge “Fair and flexible compensation” proposed by the partner  ten23helath, . This was one of three challenges, that were presented to the students in the UZH Innovathon: Building a human-centered Future of Work. In total 6 student teams put in a lot of effort to dive deep into the complex challenges. Over the last 3 weeks, they developped innovative ideas with experts, challenge partners and user feedback.  

Paymate is a team with 4 members: Erietta Douga, Rachelle Haefele, Sarah Hubbauer, and Sandipan Tewary. They suggested a fair and flexible salary system for a role –based, non-hierarchical organization. This salary system is based on a salary equation that guarantees a basic revenue. Also, it takes role and soft skills into account to enable  growth and innovation. 

Last Monday, the team presented their solution to a jury consisting of experts from academia and representatives from the challenge partners. They include  ten23health, The Adecco Group, and Witzig. The jury judged the team based on innovativeness, interdisciplinarity, impact, feasibility, science-based approach, and presentation.

Congratulations to PayMate and all student teams!

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