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UZH Innovation Hub

InCephalo AG receives EIT Health Gold Track grant



InCephalo AG has received the competitive EIT Health GoldTrack grant to expand its technology platform to fight brain cancers. The grant is financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). 


InCephalo is a biotechnology company, that leverages its proprietary technology platform to develop compartment-locked (C-Locked) therapies that are tailor-made for local treatments for neurological diseases, with a focus on brain cancers. The team aims to deliver therapies to offer better response rates, more prolonged survival, and improved quality of life. Support of the EIT Health program helps the company to stengthen their pipeline and develop further its technology platform. 


InCephalo AG is a spin-off of the University of Zurich, which was founded in 2021. In 2020 the team has been already working on their solution during their BioTech Entrepreneur Fellowship. More about this here Fellow Story


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