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UZH Innovation Hub

Successful start: Innovators Camp 2024

Last Friday launched Innovators Camp 2024, where students from diverse academic disciplines came together to embark on a journey of exploration, collaboration and problem solving. «Social Innovation x Digitalization - innovate for a future we want», organized in collaboration with the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), promotes interdisciplinary approaches to tackling real-life challenges:

The day started with a lively atmosphere as participants gathered to break the ice, exchanged viewpoints, and engaged in social innovation. Led by Dominik Mösching from STRIDE Learning Association, all participants engaged in dynamic discussions, sharing their perspectives and thoughts on pressing social issues.

Philipp Siegenthaler and Jakob Kisker from Stadt Zürich, introduced the five challenges: 

  1. Future of Mobility: How might we inspire young parents to embrace eco-friendly transportation options over car ownership?
  2. Food Waste: How might we effectively diminish food waste within private households?
  3. Fossil Fuel Heating: How might we convince private landlords to transition from fossil heating systems to sustainable alternatives?
  4. Affordable Housing: How might we increase non-profit living space in Zürich for people with limited financial resources?
  5. Aging Society: How might we help elderly people to live at home independently for longer?

These challenges, presented by the city of Zurich, are points for collaborative innovation during the camp. Participants get the opportunity to dive deep into these topics, leveraging their skills and expertise to develop tangible solutions that make a positive impact on society.

While the camp does not offer traditional academic credits, it emphasizes the value of lifelong learning and personal development. Participants are encouraged to think outside the box, challenge conventional wisdom, and embrace innovation as a catalyst for positive change.

Innovators Camp

Weiterführende Informationen

Innovators Camp is a unique innovation experience for students and researchers at Zurich-based universities, taking you from idea to implementation in just five weeks.

A joint initiative by the Universtiy of Zurich (UZH) and the Zurich University of Arts (ZHdK), combining creativity and scientific knowledge to unlock potentials for social innovation.
