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UZH Innovation Hub

Entrepreneurial researchers at the Credit Suisse Entrepreneurs' Conference

At this year's Credit Suisse Entrepreneurs' Conference researchers from University of Zurich spoke about their innovative breakthroughs and their personal journeys from researcher to entrepreneur.

UZH President Michael Schaepman opened the sessions with a keynote and Maria Olivares, Head of Innovation from the UZH Innovation Hub, moderated the following panel discussion on the topic of "Innovation ist kein Zufall: von Forscherinnen zu Unternehmerinnen" (in German).

On the stage participated Janine Reichenbach, Professor for Somatic Gene Therapy from the Institute for Regenerative Medicine (IREM) and founder of Somagenetix, Jasmine Ho, UZH Entrepreneur Fellow and Founder of Somarem, and Kerstin Noëlle Vokinger, professor for Public Law and Digitalization, Health Law and Regulatory Sciences.

Key messages to take away: innovation needs diversity and basic research is a central source of impetus here.


Innovation Hub
