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UZH Innovation Hub

Digital Entrepreneurship Bootcamp: Final Pitches

"Final Pitches"

Public Final Pitches of the Digital Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

On the 18th of December, the final pitches of this semester’s Digital Entrepreneurship Bootcamp of the UZH Innovation Hub takes place at the new event space of the Digital Society Initiative.

Within eight weeks, young entrepreneurs of the University of Zurich have been refining their startup ideas, working on their pitches and receiving guidance from professional coaches. Much time and effort has been put into the projects. Within altogether three meetings, the projects were discussed and evaluated. Now it is time for the participants to present their ideas in a convincing pitch to a professional jury.

This event will be public, as well as the subsequent aperitif.

UZH Innovation Hub


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13:00 - 16:00, Rämistrasse 69, SOC E-010


Open for guests sign up


Keynote Speech by Joachim Schoss, Serial Entrepreneur and Investor


Final pitch: 3 min. presentation, 6 min Q&A 


Prof. Dr. Harald Gall, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Informatics


Katka Letzing, Co-Founder and Co-Lead Kickstart Innovation


Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman, Vice President Research


Joachim Schoss, Serial Entrepreneur and Investor


Lukas Weder, Partner Wingman AG