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UZH Innovation Hub

Venture Leaders Life Sciences 2020 in Boston: Apply until March 8th, 2020!

Venture Leaders Life Sciences Boston

Venture Leaders Life Sciences brings 10 innovative Swiss technology startups to Boston for a week of extensive networking, business development and investor pitchings. This is a unique opportunity to get in contact with high-profile investors and industry experts in Boston as part of the “Swiss National Startup team”.

Who can participate?

  • Founding and managing members of technology-based Swiss startups,
  • Ready to grow your business in the US with international investors,
  • Building a global technology startup

The program (worth CHF 10.000) is free of charge.

More about Venture Leaders Life Sciences:
Event Link

Join the roadshow by applying until 08.03.2020.


UZH Innovation Hub


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Register until 08.03.2020: