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UZH Innovation Hub

Startup Campus: Feel the Start-up Groove - 22 February 2021

Feel the Start-up Groove


💥 We are kicking off the new semester with a BANG!

Listen to the inspiring startup stories of Céline Spillmann, Co-Founder of CASUS and Nicholas Hänny, Co-Founder of NIKIN!

Learn how to start a business while still studying - and how Nicholas remained independent from any investors despite a low starting capital.

📅 February 22, 2021
🕑 6 - 7.30 pm
🌐 Online Webinar, Free of charge

Register here before February 19th!

We look forward to an inspiring chat with all of you 😍


Innovation Hub


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Register before February 19th


📅 February 22, 2021
🕑 6 - 7.30 pm
🌐 Online Webinar, Free of charge