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UZH Innovation Hub

UZH Entrepreneur Fellowships - Application Deadline 15 April 2022

Venture Call Deadline


📣  From science to startup – Apply for an UZH Entrepreneur Fellowships by April 15th! 
💡 Do you have an idea for an innovative product or service based on UZH research? Are you motivated to bring this solution to the market? 🚀🚀 
Then the UZH Entrepreneur Fellowship might be just the right thing for you! 


Quick Facts:
➡️  Tracks in BioTech, MedTech and Digital Innovation
➡️  12 respectively 18 months project length
➡️  Funding of 100’000 to 150’000 CHF 
➡️  Supportive trainings, coaching & advice


The UZH Entrepreneur Fellowship supports you to further develop your technology or service and validate its market potential. You get funding to use for salaries and material, regular expert coaching and hands-on training in the fundamentals of how to start a business.


👉  Find out more & apply until April 15th here


Innovation Hub


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UZH Entrepreneur Fellowships

Application deadline

15 April 2021