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UZH Innovation Hub

feminno «Career Program for Innovative Women in Life Sciences» // Call for Application until 24th of May 2019!

Call for application
Are you a woman scientist at the crossroad between university and industry? feminno offers career development for women scientists interested in innovation.
Who can apply?
This Career Program, for women only, is open to all applicants from the life sciences currently working as PhD, postdoc, or group leader at the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich, or University of Basel.
What can you expect?

  • feminno offers competency-oriented training, incl. leadership, negotiation & entrepreneurship skills. Experienced career advisers, coaches, innovation experts, and executives from successful life-science enterprises share their work experience and visions with you.
  • feminno`s focus is on idea generation. In addition, you will receive advice and access to funding opportunities to start your own innovation project.

The call for application is open until 24th of May 2019.
The six-month program starts in June 2019.
Application guidelines can be downloaded below:

feminno application guidelines March 2019 (PDF, 620 KB)

Please send your applications to Ute

feminno gruppe


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