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UZH Innovation Hub

ReThink3R Workshop: Design Thinking on the 3R, 18. & 19. February 2020

Interactive Design Thinking Workshop on innovative solutions for promoting and implementing the 3Rs

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The 3R principle (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of Animal Experiments) is of utmost significance for research with animals and offers great potential for advancement. Design Thinking is a method to facilitate problem-solving and the development of innovative solutions in multi-disciplinary teams.

In this workshop you work in teams on the ethically and scientifically relevant challenge: “Accelerating the implementation of the 3Rs in research”. The workshop is supported by short briefings about basics concerning the 3Rs and animal research. The teams will then use design thinking methods to explore the complexity of the challenge, get to know different perspectives and develop a common understanding. All gathered information, perspectives and experiences are incorporated into the solution process creating a space between user needs and feasibility. The teams create tangible solutions by prototyping and testing of selected ideas.

Event Program and Registration

Course Flyer (PDF, 428 KB)

UZH Innovation Hub


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Event Registration

Please sign up for the event!