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UZH Innovation Hub

seif Awards 2019 «Tech for Impact»

The seif Awards 2019 «Tech for Impact» reward ventures, applying innovative business ideas to current social and/ or environmental problems. We live in fascinating yet demanding times when it comes to technical progress. With these Awards seif targets impact driven startups in Europe who use tech solutions to contribute to the SDG’s. Each Award grants the winners a prize money of CHF 10’000. But that’s not all: finalists are provided with a unique opportunity to increase their international awareness, gain reputation and present themselves to a top-class jury. Also, they will enjoy a coaching package and get the chance to pitch in front of impact investors. If you are an impact driven entrepreneur, don’t hesitate and submit your application until 31st of March 2019 the latest. For more information, please visit seif’s website.

Seif Award Tech for Impact Announcement


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