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UZH Innovation Hub

Start your entrepreneurial journey during your master or PhD

Talent Kick is a highly selective, cross-university program that will help you find an interdisciplinary co-founder team and get hands-on experience in the entrepreneurial career path during your studies.

Talent Kick
For Master students and PhDs

TalentKick enables you to form a stable team, develop a direction, and validate first ideas hands-on. It supports you in broadening your network, navigating the ecosystem to prolong your runway, and finding synergies.

  • Idea validated
  • Funding secured
  • Co-founder secured and/or company founded
  • Immersed in the Swiss and international entrepreneurial ecosystems
  • Runway extended through other support programs Swiss-wide & from global program partners.
Scope Projects which show traction can receive CHF 5'000 in funding and further support.
How Information on submitting the application
More UZH is one of the University abmassadors of the Talkent Kick Campus