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Course designed for an introduction to entrepreneurship and innovation ► Bachelor's & Master's students | PhD candidates | UZH
Early-stage funding for research-based innovations
► Students | Researchers | Staff members | UZH
Talk to UZH entrepreneurs to find out about the career path of a founder ► Students | PhD candidates | Postdocs | UZH
Modul for challenge based innovation with focus on digitalization of mobility
► Master's students | PhD candidates | UZH
Learn about different ways to protect research results. This is the first step in commercializing research, making it available to the society in form of better product and services.
► Researchers
An entry way to the world of Pharma, BioTech and MedTech
► Master's students | UZH
Promotes projects on different forms of cooperation between the participating universities and practice partners ► Researchers | Staff members
12-week program to learn the basics for founding and managing your own startup
► Students | PhD candidates | Postdocs | Researchers | all Swiss Universities
Funds innovation projects who have not yet found a partner to implement the result
Financially supports science-based innovation projects
Entrepreneurship training and career development program ► Life Science female researchers (PhDs, Postdocs, group leaders) | UZH, ETH & Unibas
Key dates at a glance
Swiss startups news portal